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Phonomicrosurgical resection of glottal papillomatosis.

Zeitels SM, Sataloff RT.

Department of Otology and Laryngology, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston 02114, USA.

Controlled debulking has been the surgical approach to treat laryngeal papillomatosis for over a century despite dramatic improvements in surgical technology. It is commonplace to leave disease in the glottis at the end of the procedure (eg, in the anterior commissure) because of complications associated with attempted complete removal. This study examined the recurrence patterns of adult glottal papillomatosis after phonomicrosurgical microflap resection. Between 1990 and 1995, 22 patients underwent phonomicrosurgical resection of glottal papillomatosis. Six patients had not undergone previous microlaryngeal surgery and 16 patients had had prior procedures. All patients underwent resection of all visible papillomatosis, and this frequently required staged resections. The subepithelial infusion technique was used to facilitate the resection in most cases. No patient who underwent resection for primary disease had a recurrence. Ten of 16 (62%) patients who presented with recurrent disease did not have a recurrence after microflap resection. Follow up on all patients was at least 2 years. This preliminary report suggests that recently developed phonomicrosurgical microflap resection techniques can eradicate adult glottal papillomatosis in some cases, and that resection of papillomatosis appears to be preferable to conventional debulking and/or ablation techniques.

J Voice 1999 Mar;13(1):123-7


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